
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It is the truth.

Today I feel good. Today I know I can do it (prophylactic bilateral mastectomy) and it'll be ok.  Not sure about tomorrow or the day after, but right now I feel good about my decision. While we were doing our afterschool run my running buddy re-assured me in a lot of ways that I will have a lot of friends and family to support me. I won't be doing this alone. I just will need to ask for help and I will get it from lots of loved ones around me. I also received quite a lot of responses to my post on FORCE about other women in similar situations (kids, working full time, etc.) and that made me realize what I already knew. There is never going to be a good time. So now is just as good of time as there will ever be. Now it is. Nov. 28th it is.


  1. I wish I was closer, but I have a feeling you have an amazing support system around you.
